Mediterranean Picture Gallery (Quadreria)

Inaugurated in its current setting on 15th December 2014, The “Quadreria Mediterranea” is a collection of contemporary art, joining in a single exhibition artworks owned by the University of Palermo, acquired or donated during the 20th century.

Set up in the renovated “Sala delle Armi”, the collection consists of more than 20 artworks, until sometimes ago, preserved in studies and offices of the University administration.

Prestigious artists make up the collection of artworks on exhibit, such as Filippo De Pisis, Ottone Rosai, Giovanni Omiccioli, Sebastiano Milluzzo and Nino Garajo, Gianbecchina and the Spanish Vaquero.

The collection is completed by the artworks of contemporary artists still active, such as Ceccotti, Cano, Pignatelli, Iudice, Signorini, Pecoraino, Martorelli, Caputo, Nucci, Conti Cammarata, Catalano, Guccione e Cordio.

The masterpiece of the whole collection is “La Vucciria of Renato Guttuso, now displayed in the Sala Magna, according to the author’s desire.

This painting, probably the most famous of  the artist coming from Bagheria, was made in 1974. With huge dimension (three metres by three), it illustrates with great realism the famous market “Vucciria” of Palermo, inundating the visitors’ senses with the shouts of sellers, and with flavours and colours of typical products.

Centro Servizi

Sistema Museale di Ateneo

Università degli Studi di Palermo

Via Lincoln, 2 (Orto Botanico)

90133 PALERMO, Italia

Codice Fiscale 80023730825, Partita IVA 00605880822


091 238 96775 - 091 238 93781

Monumental Complex of Steri

Responsible Prof. Aldo Gerbino

Piazza Marina, 59 - Palermo

Accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Opening hours

Monday: closed

Tuesday to Friday: 9:30 am - 06:30 pm

(last admission 05:30 pm).

Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 am - 05:00 pm

(until 07:00 pm during daylight saving time).

Entrance fee